Dr. Tilo Richter

Member of the Board of Trustees

Art Historian, Basel

Born 1968 in Karl-Marx-Stadt. 1991–98, art history, classical archaeology and African studies, Leipzig and Basel Universities. 2001–06, production director of printed media, Netzmedien AG, Basel. 2004–08, Ph.D., ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture. 2008/09, assistant of Prof. Dr. Andreas Tönnesmann, Institut gta, ETH Zurich. Since 1995, engaged as independent author and editor, architectural journalist and book designer in collaboration with, e.g., Reto Geiser at Verlag Standpunkte, Basel. Since 2008, correspondent for the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung for ‘Kunstmarkt Schweiz’. Since 2011, member of the Architektur Dialoge Foundation.



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